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Our mission is to provide veterinary care to ill or injured animals that do not have a home and in this way, improve their chance of adoption. We also aim to provide free or subsidised veterinary care to low income or impoverished families ensuring owned animals are not abandoned or surrendered to killing shelters because the family they have been living with has no money to treat a certain condition.

The Homeless Animal Hospital project began in 2015 and is a Romania Animal Rescue initiative. It has now expanded its operations to the Center of Hope from its first home at Family Vet in Craiova where it still also operates

Homeless Animal Hospital addresses a real need for help with healthcare for stray animals and impoverished families. Currently there is no society for the protection of animals in Romania as seen in other countries. Homeless Animal Hospital project is working towards the first Romanian free dedicated healthcare service and although still in its infant stages we have helped a large number of pets stay with their loving families and made it much easier for many strays to find permanent homes through successful medical treatment

The project benefits from all of the facilities the Center of Hope has to offer. Modern consulting rooms, dedicated specialised sterile surgery room equipped for specialised orthopaedic procedures, a spay/training surgery room, digital X ray, video endoscope, laboratory equipped for biochemical, haematological and microscopic analysis, purpose built kennel room and separate isolation areas for specific dangerous infectious diseases. Take our virtual tour here.

The Center of Hope means all animals regardless of background have the opportunity for the same high standard of care all contained under one roof. People bringing their pets to be treated by us can be confident they are helping us to offer these opportunities to less fortunate souls. Together we can make a difference.


If you would like to support this project click on donate or visit our get involved page to find out other ways in which you can help.

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